Sunday, August 3, 2008

Rexburg Liberty 5K Fun Run

At Christmas Whit and I challenged my family to all prepare to do the 4th of July Fun Run that Rexburg does every year. They all agreed to do it, but I am not sure they thought I would really make them do it. So around June I started asking about their training schedule and guess what they actually did it. My entire family did it with the exception of Kim and Sean, because they weren't there and Starla, because she was 8 months pregnant. It was a lot of fun and I was so proud of my family for doing it. I know it was hard for my mom, but she did it with a better time than I thought she would. Way to go mom!! My goal was to run it 30 minutes, but I didn't quite make it. I finished in 31 minutes, so I got close and was able to shave about 5-6 minutes off my average times so I thought that was pretty good. Whit did awesome. He kept saying that he hoped to be able to do it 26 minutes (which I thought would be a really great time), but no he decided to finish in 22:34. That man never ceases to amaze me :) I hope to make this an Erickson Family tradition and Giffords watch out I am going to be putting on the pressure pretty heavy for anyone who happens to be in town over the 4th. Mitch, Annie, Brooke I am talking to you. Here are some pictures of the event and yes Whit made the local paper. Isn't he a handsome devil.


T.Jay and Julie said...

Way to go Stacie, I didn't know you were a runner. And way to get the whole family involved. There is no way I could get my whole family, let alone my husband, to run a 5k. -Julie Saunders Robinson

Cortney said...

Great job guys!