Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Pioneer Day

Our Primary had a really fun Pioneer Day Activity in celebration of the 24th of July. My friend Cortney put the whole thing together and it was fantastic. We split the children up into families and they went to different stations. Station One: Pioneer Life, Station Two: Pioneer Games, Station three: Pioneer Music, Station Four: Butter Making. I was in charge of Pioneer Life where the kids were able to wash clothes by hand, shuck corn, and pull a handcart. I think the butter making was a huge hit. Cortney used baby food jars so that it didn't take very long and each child got to take home their own little butter jar. It was so cute. Then for dessert we had peach cobbler cooked in dutch ovens and ice cream. Yummy!! The girls loved it and were very excited to be able to wear their pioneer outfits from Martins Cove. Thanks Cortney for all your hard work. It was an awesome activity.

1 comment:

The Anderson's said...

We did a version of that activity last year. We did the pioneer games, butter, music and scones. I could have just done butter and the kids would have been thrilled! You knew you went to all the work to make the pioneer outfits for something!