Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Power of FHE

On Monday we were having family home evening and at the end we each take turns bearing our testimonies. Usually when it comes to Eliza's turn we will just whisper to her and she repeats what we say, but tonight she thought she would help Jaynie out. Jaynie paused for a moment to collect her thoughts and Eliza whispered, "you know that Jesus died for us." Both Whit and I looked at each other with tears in our eyes. There are so many times that the kids are running around crazy during lessons and seem as though they are not listening, but Whit and I persevere because the prophets have told us to have family home evening. Now I know why. Even when you don't think they are listening-they are. Maybe they just absorb it through osmosis or something, but they are getting it. I am so grateful for a living prophet that gives us guidance for our days. It is so important to spend that time together as a family learning about the gospel and if a prophet hadn't given us that commandment we may never do it.


The Pena family said...

It is so amazing what we end up learning from our kids. Your girls are beautiful. Eli has always wanted a blonde, blue eyed little girl....I don't think it is happening. It sounds like you guys are doing so good...even so far away.

Nicole Pena

provobaileys said...

That is the greatest story. I have been think about you guys alot lately. You are so bleesed with those wonderful girls. We miss you and can't wait to see you this summer.