Sunday, March 2, 2008


Eliza is at such a fun age. She is learning way too much from her older sisters and wants to do everything they do. It's pretty sweet. Lately she has said some of the cutest things. Her favorite new phrase is "no fair." Everything is "no fair" thanks to Jaynie. Another cute thing that she has picked up from Jaynie is "yes ma'am" Jaynie is becoming quite the southern belle and her teachers require her to say yes ma'am. So naturally she says it at home and Eliza thinks she is so big when she says it. At first I had a hard time with it because when I used to say yes ma'am I was being a smart alec, but here it a sign of respect and now I appreciate it and it is pretty cute. Whit thinks we better move before this southern belle thing gets any worse. Whits favorite thing Eliza says is When He asks how much she loves him her response is "up to the moon" of course it is much cutter with her baby accent. My favorite is what she calls Adeline, "baby Lion". She tries so hard to say baby Adeline but no matter what she does it comes out lion so now we all just call her that. What a sweetheart.

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