Friday, June 15, 2012

Summer Field Trip #1-Sci Works

My plan is to take the kids on a field trip once a week this summer. Friday we were able to go on our first one to our local Science center called Sci Works. We haven't been there in a long time and they have a few new additions that I was pleasantly surprised with. The girls had a great time and I was able to spend some real quality time with them. The best part was a room full of these cool flat blocks that you could build with. I am pretty sure Lillie could have spent an entire day in there and never been bored (I think I know what she is getting for her birthday.)

We followed up the trip with chocolate dipped ice cream cones from McDonald's. These brought back some great memories. I remember getting them when I was young. We got ours from Dairy Queen and not to call my Dad (the stake president) out or anything but I am pretty sure we would get them on Sundays on our way to Grandma and Grandpa's house. Wherever and whenever the yumminess I remember is still the same.

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