Thursday, December 11, 2008

Sickness in the Air

I know I still need to post Thanksgiving and our Christmas tree and I will eventually, but today I just needed to post about Eliza. Addie has been sick with a double ear infection so her and I haven't slept really well the last couple of nights. Then last night Eliza decided to get sick in the night so Whit didn't sleep very well either. Eliza is throwing up so I am glad Whit got to take care of that one. The funny thing about Eliza is that she is so stinking cute even when she doesn't feel good. It was 5:00 am this morning when she threw up all over Whitney in our bed so Whit got up and took her to the bathroom to put her in the shower and as he was undressing her she said, "Dad I want breakfast." Which I guess after you empty your stomach of all it's contents the natural response is to fill it again. Right?


Marcy Cheney said...

Oh, that is so sad. But what a great Dad Whit is and you must just be totally exhausted with 2 sick little ones to deal with. I guess if they have to get sick, it's better now than over Christmas, huh?? Hope we can get together soon. Love you guyz...

The Anderson's said...

I know that shouldnt be funny but I am so laughing! Can I just tell you that the time really does come thay they no longer peuk on you and can get to the toilet all on their own. They just come wake you up to inform you that they threw up. You still lose sleep but for all different think I would rather have them peuk on me in bed. That would mean they were still little and I had control!!!! We love you guys!

Kim and Sean said...

WOW way to go whit! I am impressed that you can take that one! Throw up is one thing that bugs me like crazy!! Yeah i am a nurse!!! Poor Eliza and Addy - no fun. I hope everyone gets better soon. I love ya guys! Take care.

provobaileys said...

I would have loved to see whit covered in puke at 5:00 in the morning. What an ordeal to have to change sheets, clean everyone up and by that time it is time to get up anyway. So sorry you are all sick and tired

Tiffany said...

I'm so sorry that the girls have been sick...that's the worst! Lucky for you she threw up on Whit...I can't handle stuff like that! I always point Reagan at Jon:) Your family picture at the top of your blog is adorable too...what a cute family!

Kim and Sean said...

MERRY CHRISTMAS!! We Love you very much!!! Love sean, Kim and Carter!!
p.s. I think you are in need of an updated post!!!