Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Memorial Day Post-Better Late than Never

I know I am really late posting our Memorial Day pictures but I figured now was better than never so here you are. We had a great time on Memorial Day. We wanted to go to the beach with the Casper's at Hilton Head, but the time and money just didn't work out so we decided to go for a day trip to Wilmington. I think I was meant to be a beach bum. I really could stay on the beach all day every day and never get tired of it. There is just something cleansing about it. We haven't been to the beach in good weather since before Eliza was born so it had been a long time since the girls really had a chance to play in the water and they loved it. They just totally entertained themselves all day. Addie wasn't a huge fan of the water, but she sure loved the sand. I couldn't keep it out of her mouth. I finally gave her a seashell to chew on because I figured it was better than the sand. I really love being close enough to the beach to go in a day. What fun memories for the girls. This day rivaled the day in the mountains for the best day of Jaynie's life. Once again all day long she kept saying this is the best day of my life. I love "best" days. They are much better than "worst" days.



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1 comment:

Cortney said...

How fun!! I'm so excited for our trip to the coast at the end of July!