Sunday, June 6, 2010

F is for Fish

Eliza and I have been doing "Home School" together a couple of times a week and when we came to the letter F we decided to go on a field trip to the pet store to see the fish and pick one out to bring home. I was really only going to spend the 25 cents that it costs to buy a gold fish and maybe a couple of bucks for a glass bowl, but this is what I came home with.
The lady at the store convinced me that goldfish need to be in a filtered tank so for their happiness I bought this cute little tank. So we came home with a cute purple tank that matches the girls room and a fish named Jewel and a fish named Blackie. Unfortunately they have both since passed, both found sucked up in the filter. Maybe they would have been happier in the $5 fish bowl I was going to buy.


provobaileys said...

She is getting so big. Sorry about the fish. did you get new ones.

Shirley Clan said...
