Saturday, September 27, 2008

Labor Day

So I know it has been a while since I have posted. School started and it seems like there are just not enough hours in the day. Hopefully I can get caught up and stay that way for a while.

Over Labor day we went on a bike ride called the Virginia Creeper. It is a 17 mile trail ride downhill that use to be an old rail road. It was a really easy ride and we had so much fun. Whit and I rode our bikes and we pulled our newly bought trailer for Lillie and Addie and rented a tag-a-long bike for Jaynie. Eliza rode in our friends trailer. Lillie and Jaynie would switch on and off. They both really loved the tag along bike. It was a great way for them ride but not really ride. I don't think training wheels would have worked out so well. It was so beautiful up in the Virginia mountains and such a pleasant way to spend time together as a family. I think we have found a new spot to take visitors when they come.
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Marcy Cheney said...

That sounds like a lot of fun! It's so beautiful in the fall here in the southeast and what a great way to do something as a family. You guys are the best. Love ya...

Kim and Sean said...

Stacie, you are looking so good! That is the motivation that I needed. Now maybe I will start to work out!!! haha Looks like you guys had a fun bike ride. Lillie is so grow up! She is beautiful. You are in for some trouble with your girls as cute as they are. Love ya ... Kim