Tuesday, July 8, 2008

rear carnage

so this is the deal... we just spent a week in Idaho. I caught the redeye sunday night and went straight to work. Stacie and the girls are staying for an extra week. We have made the trip to Idaho a few times now and a few times i've come home alone and Stacie has stayed. Each time we do that we promise never to do it again. Leaving my wife and kids and family and coming back to an empty house and a work is a great recipe for... well it's not fun. Anywho, to fight the lonelyness i went on the monday group ride and did alright for not having ridden in 10 days and not sleeping the day before. Then tonight my buddy Duane and I decided to fight the threatening weather and do a 30 mile loop through the city. We ride this loop often and sometimes alone, we have a reigning champion award for the the solo loop. FYI I am the current champion with a time of 1:15:39. So tonight we decided to work as a team and see how fast we could do it. Part of the loop goes through the campus of Wake Forest University. Part of that section goes on a narrow paved running trail. Turns out the trail was a bit damp from earlier rain and it also turns out that i was going way way way... way too fast for a narrow wet trail through the forest. Short story long, my wheels detatched themselves from the pavement and i went down hard on my right rear cheek and wrist. The bike luckily came off my pedals with the impact and i slid for a good ways on my hip until i hit the dirt and rolled to a stop. Bike was good, leg and wrist... not so much. So I am posting some pics of the carnage, the last pic was were Duane got a cap full of peroxide and poored it over the wound... ouch. So...any... here's the disclaimer **PICTURES OF ME IN LYCRA ARE NOT TO BE SHARED WITH ANYONE ELSE AND EVEN THOUGH I HAVE PUT THEM ON A PUBLIC BLOG DOES NOT MEAN YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO PUT THEM ON YOUTUBE OR SHOW THEM OFF IN ANY OTHER EMBARRISING WAY. IF YOU DO I WILL GO TO YOUR HOUSE AND TALK TO YOUR MOM AND GET HER TO SHOW ME YOUR PHOTO ALBUMS AND I WILL POST SWEET PICTURES OF YOU, YOU KNOW THE PICTURES I'M TALKING ABOUT**

1 comment:

Audrey said...

Ouch! Jimmy and I ride as well so I know how bad that hurts! I don't know if you watch the Tour De France, but there's a comercial they are running right now that show's a bunch of crashes that are pretty well known. And the commentator says if you want to know how it feels to crash down hill in the tour, to just strip down to your underwear and jump out of a car going 55 mph!!! I hope the girls get home soon so Stacie can make it feel better! Take care Audrey